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The 6 Elements to Designing an Effective Wellness Program [DOWNLOAD]

oswaldcompanies June 25, 2014

CLEVELAND – June 25, 2014 – Oswald Companies’ health and wellness division, osWell Health Management, has released a new Wellness Playbook: “Designing an Effective Wellness Program” available for free download.

In the Wellness Playbook, osWell advisors highlight the characteristics that are consistently present in the most successful and compliant programs, regardless of company size.

These include:
1. Senior leadership support
2. Supportive environment
3. Wellness committees
4. Positive reinforcement
5. Effective communication strategies
6. Continuous quality assurance

In addition to these elements, osWell also provides “Wellness in Action” features based on experiences with hundreds of clients, from a wide range of sizes and industries.

“The set-up and design of a wellness program is critically important to its long-term success,” said Andrew Carr, osWell Health Management Services Product Leader. “Ignoring the design of the wellness program would be like building a house without a solid foundation. No matter how great the vendor, your program will never succeed without that solid underpinning.”

Carr added, “There are critical characteristics we have seen clients lack over the years in the design that have impacted results. We are excited this Playbook can help to outline those characteristics for programs to build that solid foundation.”

About osWell Health Management

osWell Health Management integrates with clients’ current benefits strategy, and provides a team of wellness professionals, to implement and launch corporate wellness initiatives. The goal is to reduce risk, cost, worry and work for clients, making their businesses better with the right health management resources to drive results.

The program offers consulting services, worksite health support and an online resource center, featuring, a Wellness E-Library, monthly newsletters, best practice guidelines and downloadable marketing materials. Through the online resource center, clients also have access to osWell University, which serves as a portal for employers to educate themselves on health related topics and offer webinars to their employees. Learn more
