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Builders Risk: Being Prepared Can Tip the Scales in Your Favor When it Comes to an Insurance Claim

August 15, 2024

There’s a significant amount of risk involved in any construction project, so all builders should be prepared in case of an accident on the job. It will make the process of making a claim on your insurance easier, more efficient and, hopefully, put the odds in your favor.


Treat the cost of repairs like a new job – give it your undivided attention. Keep full and meticulous records of everything included in the loss on your construction project, such as when the repairs began, who is working on it, and all dedicated labor and materials.

Give timely notice of an accident and request claim advances. Provide cost codes for items included in your claim. Specifically identify project management, hard costs, soft costs, and lost profits or delay expenses to be included in your claim. Note if there will be a delay in completing the project that will cause the owner to lose profits.

Have people dedicated to overseeing the repair project and work closely with the owner to coordinate all aspects.

Carrier trends

Providing a full set of records and being organized and prepared in case of an accident will help your claim move forward. This is especially important as carriers are coming up with new reasons to deny claims.

Builders Risk carriers and adjusters will dispute claims based on defective construction not triggering a physical loss under the premises that the property was never in a satisfactory state and should not be considered damaged. They’re also refusing to pay when a problem becomes visible after construction is complete, even if the damage occurred during construction.

Capacity is becoming more restricted, especially on large frame projects. This trend is causing builders and contractors to insure larger projects through multiple carriers, requiring coordination of coverage terms. It could lead to delays in claim payments.

The experienced Design & Construction team at Oswald can help you get the coverage you need and plan ahead in case of an accident.

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